Monday, December 27, 2010

Struts plugin in Eclipse Helios

Go to Eclipse and from menu select Help->Install New Software.
Add the following update site using 'Add' button

Select Struts present under 'Web and Java EE Development'

Friday, December 17, 2010

AJAX script on JSP

var req;

function getText( ) {
var key = document.getElementById("key");
// var keypressed = document.getElementById("keypressed");
// keypressed.value = key.value;
// var url = "/ajaxdecimalcodeconverter/response?key=" + escape(key.value) + "$idn=" ;
var url = "response.jsp?key=" + key.value + "&idn=" + Math.ceil( Math.random() * 100) ;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
req = new XMLHttpRequest( );
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
req.onreadystatechange = callbackValue;

function callbackValue( ) {
if (req.readyState==4) {
if (req.status == 200) {
var decimal = document.getElementById('decimal');
decimal.value = req.responseText;

//clear( );
function clear( ) {
var key = document.getElementById("key");
function focusIn( ) {
document.getElementById("key").focus( );

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to plugin sql into Eclipse?

Help -> Install New Software -> Work With :

Select SQL Exporter, Click Next, Click Finish.

File -> New -> other , SQL Development -> SQL File,
Enter file name, create database (any) connection throuh wizard and
click finish.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to write blob into OS file ?

1. create a database directory :
create or replace database directory image_test_dir
as 'd:\db_dir\'

2. use dbms_lob and utl_file package to read data chunk wise.

v_offset number := 1;
v_buffer_size number := 1000;
v_file_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
v_src_lob blob;
v_len integer;
v_buffer raw(1000);

/*select image_front into v_src_lob
from inward_image where rownum=1;*/

select img into v_src_lob
from image_upload where rownum=1;

v_len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_src_lob);

v_file_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('IMAGE_TEST_DIR', 'f.pdf', 'wb');

while v_offset < v_Len

DBMS_LOB.READ(v_src_lob, v_buffer_size, v_offset, v_buffer );

UTL_FILE.PUT_RAW(v_file_handle, v_buffer);

--DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( v_offset || ' ' || v_buffer_size );

v_offset := v_offset + v_buffer_size;

end loop;





how to load os file into blob field ?

If you want to to load a file (i.e. text file, image file, pdf file etc.) into
a blob field, then follow the following procedure.

1. create a database directory :
create or replace database directory image_test_dir
as 'd:\db_dir\'

2. Use dbms_Lob package to load os file into blob;


v_file_loc bfile;

v_Image_size integer;

v_img blob;


--v_file_loc := bfilename('IMAGE_TEST_DIR', 'testRpt.pdf');
v_file_loc := bfilename('IMAGE_TEST_DIR', 'front.tif');

v_image_size := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_file_Loc);


insert into image_upload(id, img)
values (1, empty_blob()) returning img into v_img;, DBMS_LOB.FILE_READONLY );

v_image_size );



when others then dbms_output.put_line('Exception : ' || sqlerrm);


Monday, October 11, 2010

Line NUmber in Eclipse

To turn on line numbering in Eclipse, simply do the following;

1) Windows -> Preferences
2) General – > Editors -> Text Editors

and click the “Show Line Numbers” checkbox.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Problem to login Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise with Administration

1. go to \xmlp\XMLP\Admin\Configuration
2. open xmlp-server-config.xml in notepad
3. specify SECURITY_MODEL property value to XDO. For example:

<property name="SECURITY_MODEL" value="XDO">

Now you can log in at username : Administrator
and password : Administrator

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Get the N-th highest value Or N-th lowest Value from a column in a table

I want to find the N-th highest or lowest salary from EMP table.

At first, create table emp:

create table emp

(empid int, salary number);

Insert some data into emp:

insert into emp values(1, 200);

insert into emp values(10, 150);

insert into emp values(15, 10000);

insert into emp values(6, 11100);

insert into emp values(4, 12000);

insert into emp values(5, 5000);

insert into emp values(20, 2000);

insert into emp values(30, 200);

insert into emp values(40, 200);


Select data from table: 

select * from emp;

Now i want to find out the third highest salary from the above employees:

select * from
emp a

where 3 = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary>=a.salary);

Now i want to find out the second highest salary from the above employees:

select * from
emp a
where 2 = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary>=a.salary);

Now i want to find out the second lowest salary from the above employees:

select * from
emp a
where 2 = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary<=a.salary);

So for N-th highest or N-th lowest salary, i just include sql bind variable in the query:

select * from
emp a
where &N = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary>=a.salary);

select * from
emp a
where &N = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary<=a.salary);

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to connect sys without sysdbda or sysoper privileges

conn sys/sys as sysdba

alter system set O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY = true scope=spfile;

O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is static parameter restart is necessary

shutdown immediate


conn sys/sys

Monday, June 14, 2010

To create an external table you have to create a directory.
this directory contains a file, book1.csv
so logon to sys as sysdba
then issue the command
create or replace directory EXTERNAL as 'E:\EXTERNAL\';


Now connect scott

now issue the following script :
create table extern_emp
id varchar2(10),
name varchar2(200),
address varchar2(1000)
organization external
default directory EXTERNAL
access parameters
records delimited by newline
fields terminated by ','

But the CSV files are comma-seperated.

Any field of the csv file may contain comma.
So the previous script will be the following with highlighted portion:

create table extern_emp
id varchar2(10),
name varchar2(200),
address varchar2(1000)
organization external
default directory EXTERNAL
access parameters
records delimited by newline
fields terminated by ','
optionally enclosed by '"'