I want to find the N-th highest or lowest salary from EMP table.
At first, create table emp:
create table emp
(empid int, salary number);
Insert some data into emp:
insert into emp values(1, 200);
insert into emp values(10, 150);
insert into emp values(15, 10000);
insert into emp values(6, 11100);
insert into emp values(4, 12000);
insert into emp values(5, 5000);
insert into emp values(20, 2000);
insert into emp values(30, 200);
insert into emp values(40, 200);
Select data from table:
select * from emp;
Now i want to find out the third highest salary from the above employees:
select * from
emp a
where 3 = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary>=a.salary);
Now i want to find out the second highest salary from the above employees:
select * from
emp a
where 2 = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary>=a.salary);
Now i want to find out the second lowest salary from the above employees:
select * from
emp a
where 2 = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary<=a.salary);
So for N-th highest or N-th lowest salary, i just include sql bind variable in the query:
select * from
emp a
where &N = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary>=a.salary);
select * from
emp a
where &N = (select count(distinct(b.salary)) from emp b where b.salary<=a.salary);